we can’t predict the future
become a sponsor
When you become a full-sponsorship donor, you are making an impact on the future. Can you imagine what our world would look like if every person helped just ONE person without the expectation of anything in return?
A full sponsorship includes: one year school tuition, boarding, meals, clothing, school supplies, medical insurance and transportation.
Hawega Foundation is fully volunteer-run with 100% of donations going toward the organization’s programs in Tanzania.
become a sponsor
When you become a full-sponsorship donor, you are making an impact on the future. Can you imagine what our world would look like if every person helped just ONE person without the expectation of anything in return?
A full sponsorship includes: one year school tuition, boarding, meals, clothing, school supplies, medical insurance and transportation.

want to help,
but can’t commit to sponsorship?
Many of our students don’t receive full sponsorships and they rely on the help of multiple donors. Consider contributing to our general education fund. This support ensures the future for our current students, our ability to enroll new girls & it enables us to respond to any urgent health matters.
not all heros wear capes. your small donation can be the superpower
that makes
a difference.

want to help, but can’t commit to sponsorship?
Many of our students don’t receive full sponsorships and they rely on the help of multiple donors. Consider contributing to our general education fund. This support ensures the future for our current students, our ability to enroll new girls & it enables us to respond to any urgent health matters.
not all heros wear capes.
your small donation can be the superpower that makes a difference.

education • supplies • clothing • housing
education • supplies • clothing • housing

education • supplies • clothing • housing
education • supplies • clothing • housing
Two Datooga mamas waving goodbye to their daughters as they leave the village for the first time to go to school.
Two Datooga mamas waving goodbye to
their daughters as they leave the village for
the first time to go to school.